Peer Review Process

The Process of Accepting Articles in

Strategic Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Articles sent to this journal go through the following process:

  1. Receiving the article (the original file of the article with the names of the authors and their emails, as well as accepting that the author or authors have accepted the ethical principles of the journal) by the responsible author through the journal's website.
  2. The journal's website announces the receipt of the article to the author or authors.
  3. Initial evaluation of the article by the editor or a member of the Editorial Board.
  4. If the criteria of the journal are not followed or the article is not suitable for publication in the initial review, it will be returned to the responsible author.
  5. After receiving the letter of commitment signed by the author or authors, stating that the article is original and has not been sent to another journal for publication at the same time, as all the articles of the journal are double blind reviewed, each article without the names of the authors is sent to at least three reviewers along with the review form.
  6. If the opinions of the reviewers are positive, the article will be sent to the responsible author for the first review.
  7. If a second review is needed, the article will be sent to the reviewer or reviewers, and if the reviewer accepts the necessary revisions, it will be sent for editing.
  8. The edited article is reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and the Journal Office and a copy is sent to all the members of the Editorial Board for their consideration.
  9. The opinions expressed by the reviewers are presented by the Editor-in-Chief in the Editorial Board and a decision is made regarding its acceptance or rejection.
  10. Articles that are rejected will be sent to the responsible author of the article along with the comments of the reviewers.
  11. Accepted articles are sent to the Literary Editor.
  12. The preprint of the article is sent to the corresponding author for a second revision along with the comments of the Technical Editor, the Editorial Board, the Literary Editor, and the comments expressed by the Journal Office.

13- After receiving the second revised version, the article is once again reviewed by the   Editor-in-Chief and the Journal Office and is prepared for publication in the journal.

  1. After the preparation of all the articles for publication and the Persian and English covers of the journal, they will be sent to the Publishing Department of the I.R. Academy of Sciences for printing.
  2. The articles are inserted in the journal website and webpage of the I.R. Academy of Sciences.